sumo wrestler
sumo wrestler

,RIKISHI:professionalsumowrestler,i.e.onewhonotonlycompetesinsumo,butalsolivesthetraditionallifestyle·MAWASHI:theloinclothorsumobeltworn ...,2024年6月9日—Sumo(相撲,sumō)isaJapanesestyleofwrestlingandJapan'snationalsport.Itoriginatedinancienttimes...

SUMO WRESTLER中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

2024年7月10日—Thesumowrestlerwearsathick,elaboratelytiedcanvasbeltaroundhisgutwithaslingthingthatslipsbetweenthelegs;it'scalledthe ...

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Professional Sumo

RIKISHI: professional sumo wrestler, i.e. one who not only competes in sumo, but also lives the traditional lifestyle · MAWASHI: the loincloth or sumo belt worn ...


2024年6月9日 — Sumo (相撲, sumō) is a Japanese style of wrestling and Japan's national sport. It originated in ancient times as a performance to entertain ...

Wrestlers to Watch - GRAND SUMO Highlights

DAIEISHO ... In 2021, Daieisho won the Makunouchi championship with his characteristic thrusts and slaps. Promoted to the Sanyaku ranks, he aimed for Ozeki.


Life as a wrestler is highly regimented, with rules regulated by the Japan Sumo Association. Most sumo wrestlers are required to live in communal sumo ...

List of active sumo wrestlers

The following is an alphabetical list of all active professional sumo wrestlers in the top makuuchi division, and all those currently in lower divisions who ...


sumo, style of Japanese wrestling in which weight, size, and strength are of the greatest importance, though speed and suddenness of attack are also useful.

SUMO WRESTLER中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

2024年7月10日 — The sumo wrestler wears a thick, elaborately tied canvas belt around his gut with a sling thing that slips between the legs; it's called the ...

A Day in the Life of a Sumo Wrestler

All sumo wrestlers belong to a stable, which is where they live and train while they are young. A stable is managed by a stablemaster, a retired sumo ...


,RIKISHI:professionalsumowrestler,i.e.onewhonotonlycompetesinsumo,butalsolivesthetraditionallifestyle·MAWASHI:theloinclothorsumobeltworn ...,2024年6月9日—Sumo(相撲,sumō)isaJapanesestyleofwrestlingandJapan'snationalsport.Itoriginatedinancienttimesasaperformancetoentertain ...,DAIEISHO...In2021,DaieishowontheMakunouchichampionshipwithhischaracteristicthrustsandslaps.PromotedtotheSanyakuranks,hea...